Statistics offer several ways to estimate your skill
level. Statistics are grouped, game per game, by
numbers and percentage of wins and losses. Every
game you play affects statistics. Wins and losses
will be added automatically in the total box score.
Statistics will be increased if you:
Dialog Box Options
Statistics available for each single solitaire
Simple Statistics
Games Won and Lost The "Games Won and Lost" statistic shows the total wins and the total losses for the current solitaire and the current player. You can change the player and the solitaire by using the "Solitaire" and the "Player" combo box.
Advanced Statistics
Longest Streaks
The "Longest Streaks" shows the longest consecutive total wins and longest consecutive total losses for the current solitaire and the current player.
Progression of Winning Percentage
The "Progression of Winning Percentage" statistics shows an historical graph with the % Won for the current solitaire played through present time. The last value of the % Won will correspond to your % Won (see the "Games Won and Lost" statistics).
The horizontal axis displays the time values. On the left - your first-played solitaire, on the right - your last-played solitaire.
Current Session The "Current Session" statistic shows the total wins and losses for the solitaire and session you are playing.
Chance of Winning The "Chance of Winning" statistics shows a comparison of your % Won (Winning Percentage) with the Average % Won (Chance of Winning) as calculated by SolSuite, for the current solitaire.
The Average % is the "Chance of Winning" value displayed in the Select a Solitaire dialog box and in the Help.
For example: if the "Chance of winning" for FreeCell is "1 in 3", the Average % Chance of winning is 33.3%
Players' Statistics The "Players' Statistics" shows values of up to five players. You can select between three series of values: "% Games Won", "Number of Games Won", "Average Score".
Statistics available for all the games
Simple Statistics
Games Won and Lost
The "Games Won and Lost" statistic shows, for the current player, the total wins and the total losses for every game you have ever played.
Advanced Statistics
Won, Lost and Not Played
The "Won, Lost and Not Played" statistics shows the number of solitaires won (Won), lost (Lost) or not yet played (N.P.). The sum of the three values is equal to the total number of solitaires of SolSuite.
Progression of Winning Percentage
The "Progression of Winning Percentage" statistic shows an historical graph with the Total % Won for every solitaire you have ever played through present time..
The horizontal axis displays the time values. On the left - your first-played solitaire, on the right - your last-played solitaire.
This statistics adds each solitaire played, including repeated solitaires, for every SolSuite solitaire.
Chance of Winning
The "Chance of Winning" statistics shows a comparison of your % Won (Winning Percentage) with the Average % Won (Chance of Winning) as calculated by SolSuite.
You can see the quantity of games, where the Winning Percentage is over the Chance of Winning (Over), or under (Under), and the total number of games not yet played (N.P.).
Note: Customized layouts are not included in this statistic.
List Statistics
The "List Statistics" shows an overall look at the statistics of every solitaire for the current player, and can be useful if you want to improve your statistics. The "Show" option allows you to filter out solitaires that meet your specifications, such as only solitaires you haven't already won or already played. You can then select the solitaires that require improvement, and play them directly from this dialog box.