Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
681 Carlo Marengo (Flag01) Italy Cuneo 68006 13:14:26 8.0 11 Oct 08
682 ACEMAN (Flag02) USA, United States of America VICTORIA 67959 35:05:34 13.6 18 Aug 13
683 aramoim (Flag03) Brazil Florianopolis 67852 17:48:37 8.4 23 May 08
684 versaki (Flag04) Slovenia Poetovio 67734 25:04:47 13.0 13 Feb 04
685 terrex (Flag05) United Kingdom 67723 25:40:02 8.0 9 Oct 01
686 Einar Berg (Flagv) Norway Oslo 67697 54:36:28 5.10 24 Jun 02
687 ANN MCGILL (Flag07) Wales 67591 13:42:43 5.5 1 Sep 00
688 Laurent Royer (Flag08) France Paris 67528 27:32:00 5.4 14 May 05
689 Üllo Roos (Flag09) Finland Helsinki 67396 43:05:20 10.2 21 Mar 10
690 Mohamed Ahmed Al_Sadr (Flag10) Egypt 67328 09:16:23 8.10 17 Oct 01
691 Evangelos Liapis (Flag11) USA, United States of America 67250 20:43:40 5.10 13 Mar 00
692 Christian (Flag12) France VERT 67172 179:12:15 8.10 21 Aug 03
693 Ivone Valéria dos Santos (Flag13) Brazil PB 67158 14:47:08 8.10 16 Nov 01
694 Tomo (Flag14) Japan 66762 18:07:56 6.3 21 Sep 01
695 Daniela (Flag15) Italy Trento 66754 28:21:06 5.4 30 Jun 00
696 IGOR (Flag16) Slovenia 66638 10:41:18 5.6 2 Oct 00
697 Margreet van den Bosch (Flag17) Netherlands 66601 11:12:42 5.8 7 Apr 01
698 Mario Vascotto (Flag18) USA, United States of America Trieste 66525 27:21:09 5.9 3 Oct 07
699 Isatel Dutra (Flag19) USA, United States of America 66473 17:15:51 6.0 4 Sep 01
700 Andrew Grahn (Flag20) South Africa 66456 21:20:34 6.2 2 Apr 01

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Last Update: 11 Sep 24
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3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags