Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
721 Armored Lady (Flag01) USA, United States of America 65084 16:55:45 5.7 7 Dec 00
722 tanauSU (Flag02) USA, United States of America cuca 65066 23:32:31 14.10 13 May 03
723 Miss Manners (Flag03) USA, United States of America Savannah 65040 15:21:52 5.7 6 Aug 02
724 BOB (Flag04) New Zealand 64909 22:09:44 6.2 23 Mar 01
725 Papita -SSABA (Flag05) Brazil salvador 64874 23:46:13 9.3 6 May 09
726 Lena Johansson (Flagv) Sweden 64852 17:48:49 5.0 20 May 00
727 Elizabeth Ross (Flag07) Australia Albury 64810 29:02:13 9.0 15 Jan 09
728 paolo (Flag08) Italy zzz 64787 16:55:03 9.10 23 Mar 02
729 Starr Babineau (Flag09) USA, United States of America 64620 16:33:16 7.3 22 Aug 01
730 Leppänen (Flag10) Finland Rusko 64562 33:10:33 5.0 30 Sep 03
731 Sean C. Smyth (Flag11) Singapore 64539 12:49:51 5.0 18 Jan 00
732 DiGi (Flag12) Greece 64500 15:15:29 5.2 27 Mar 00
733 Lasse W (Flag13) Sweden 64443 27:28:03 5.5 18 Nov 01
734 Cathy Shy (Flag14) USA, United States of America 64433 19:42:13 6.10 11 Apr 01
735 Gerald McKoy (Flag15) USA, United States of America California 64420 80:34:00 5.0 17 Feb 00
736 Makra (Flag16) Finland Tampere 64397 42:08:41 5.0 2 Jan 04
737 Foxbat (Flag17) Germany Testhausen 64280 17:14:21 17.0 2 Feb 04
738 Mark Freeman (Flag18) USA, United States of America Landover, MD 64191 28:39:15 9.0 6 Jan 02
739 Oscar Foxtrot (Flag19) United Kingdom Londinium 64176 33:15:02 18.0 4 May 04
740 Ted Wong (Flag20) Malaysia 64131 21:19:46 6.3 25 Oct 01

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Last Update: 11 Sep 24
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  2. Fill in the "Score" field with the encrypted score shown in the SolSuite's "Publish your Overall score on the Internet" dialog box. Use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V commands to copy and paste the value.

3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags