Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
941 Mario Kuhnert (Flag01) Germany 53902 15:12:14 4.3 19 Nov 99
942 T. Lucas (Flag02) USA, United States of America Berlin, PA 53900 17:02:04 15.0 3 Aug 04
943 Tim Lucas (Flag03) USA, United States of America Berlin 53772 17:01:23 12.3 9 Dec 06
944 SUSANNE LINDQVIST (Flag04) Sweden 53764 11:19:47 4.1 9 Aug 99
945 MarKow (Flag05) Poland Kraków 53620 10:06:51 11.10 4 Oct 02
946 CorvusTheHero (Flagv) Italy 53605 19:16:15 5.3 30 May 00
947 Reti Gergo (Flag07) Hungary 53597 19:22:23 5.4 10 Mar 01
948 Eitan (Flag08) Israel Ra'anana 53203 16:06:58 4.3 13 Jan 03
949 Johann Schwarz (Flag09) South Africa Great Brak River 53070 26:37:23 6.11 16 Dec 06
950 Bandyman (Flag10) USA, United States of America 53062 15:59:32 4.1 6 Aug 99
951 Bob Mathis (Flag11) USA, United States of America 53000 13:38:16 4.5 19 Nov 99
952 Bob Coburn (Flag12) Canada 52858 12:53:30 4.0 2 Apr 99
953 Ardyth Withrow (Flag13) USA, United States of America IL 52850 26:59:22 6.0 2 Feb 01
954 Johan Andersson (Flag14) USA, United States of America Visby 52757 09:31:33 20.2 23 Dec 04
955 Kristof Vlassaks (Flag15) Belgium 52738 10:53:17 4.5 6 Apr 00
956 Vineeth Madhavan (Flag16) India Mumbai 52663 30:32:13 9.0 3 Mar 02
957 Jannette Curry (Flag17) England 52561 08:30:51 4.1 19 Nov 99
958 Rodney Stockton (Austin,Texas) (Flag18) USA, United States of America 52558 14:07:40 4.5 2 Oct 00
959 Maria Angelova (Flag19) Bulgaria 52456 11:50:59 4.2 24 Jul 99
960 Nicole Dagenais (Flag20) Canada Granby 52438 26:42:05 8.3 23 Apr 02

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Last Update: 9 Sep 24
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3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags