Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
981 Humberto e Marília (Flag01) Brazil Salvador-Bahia 51567 15:19:48 5.2 10 Apr 00
982 Tom (Flag02) England 51410 17:29:55 8.3 21 Nov 01
983 Tasic Milica (Flag03) Serbia 51403 15:22:57 4.2 12 Oct 99
984 Peter (Flag04) United Kingdom oxford 51324 33:53:49 6.9 28 Oct 06
985 Jacque Dunn (Flag05) USA, United States of America 51322 16:28:21 4.3 27 Sep 99
986 Jacqui (Flagv) New Zealand Christchurch 51283 11:03:22 9.0 15 Jul 03
987 Craig Smith (Flag07) Canada Halifax 51136 18:28:57 10.0 29 May 02
988 Lina (Flag08) Germany Saarwellingen 51121 08:24:44 10.2 9 Sep 02
989 Wolfi Hofer (Flag09) Austria 51093 12:52:04 4.2 8 Jul 99
990 Dr. Paul A. Wakely (Flag10) New Zealand 51056 18:34:30 4.2 22 Jun 99
991 Kenneth A Vitoff (Flag11) USA, United States of America Clearwater, FL 51054 38:22:31 5.7 7 Nov 00
992 Elliot Pordes (Flag12) United Kingdom 51000 20:24:55 4.2 15 Sep 99
993 cdbzb (Flag13) USA, United States of America 50976 12:25:33 4.3 21 Oct 99
994 Iztok Ahacic (Flag14) Slovenia 50941 12:36:44 4.0 26 Oct 99
995 Deanna Marie (Flag15) USA, United States of America Colorado 50688 13:43:26 4.3 1 Oct 99
996 Dmitri Konnov (Flag16) Russia 50674 18:01:00 4.5 13 Jan 00
997 Veronica Smith (Flag17) USA, United States of America 50643 18:42:10 5.3 13 Jan 01
998 Leif Andersson (Flag18) Sweden 50604 13:52:50 5.6 24 Oct 00
999 Nevada (Flag19) USA, United States of America 50548 11:05:34 4.1 12 Jul 99
1000 Charlie (Flag20) Italy 50528 22:53:58 6.2 17 Nov 01

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Last Update: 11 Sep 24
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3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags