Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
841 mlg (Flag01) USA, United States of America cherry hill 58956 28:19:16 4.5 29 Sep 03
842 Lennie (Flag02) Canada 58854 10:14:33 5.4 19 Dec 01
843 Jim Morgan (Flag03) USA, United States of America 58787 22:33:12 5.5 27 Oct 00
844 Aramorim (Flag04) Brazil Florianópolis 58783 15:30:06 7.4 17 May 07
845 Gabor Koranyi (Flag05) Sweden 58632 38:01:48 4.3 18 Aug 00
846 Kim (Flagv) Denmark Taastrup 58535 28:04:39 9.6 14 Apr 11
847 Ilse Verzini de Puddu (Flag07) Argentina La Plata 58502 25:59:54 10.10 15 Feb 03
848 Michel Lentz (Flag08) Belgium 58433 23:55:04 5.5 25 Apr 01
849 MomK (Flag09) USA, United States of America Janesville 58338 18:43:44 8.2 9 Jan 03
850 John Reinders (Flag10) Canada Hubley 58255 17:33:52 6.2 5 Mar 06
851 Hernan Gomez Duff (Flag11) Chile 58246 12:38:19 4.3 3 Aug 99
852 vladibv (Flag12) Bulgaria 58145 20:08:47 4.2 19 Aug 99
853 Joe St (Flag13) USA, United States of America 58135 21:15:31 4.4 12 Jun 00
854 Fidel Angelov (Flag14) Bulgaria Sofia 58127 14:17:52 5.2 13 Jun 00
855 Derick Joy (Flag15) USA, United States of America 58082 24:41:46 6.0 24 Dec 00
856 Xena-bojovnice (Flag16) Czech Republic Blansko 58070 20:34:24 10.10 7 Jun 02
857 Leandro Nicolazzi (Flag17) Argentina Buenos Aires 58043 16:44:59 5.8 24 Jan 02
858 Kevin AKA Wacko (Flag18) USA, United States of America LKWD 58028 14:14:51 6.0 25 Apr 02
859 Steffen C. Krotz (Flag19) Germany 57970 11:29:44 4.3 24 Aug 99
860 Marion R. Krotz (Flag20) Germany 57930 14:08:57 4.3 24 Aug 99

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Last Update: 11 Sep 24
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  2. Fill in the "Score" field with the encrypted score shown in the SolSuite's "Publish your Overall score on the Internet" dialog box. Use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V commands to copy and paste the value.

3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags