Top 1000 SolSuite 'Overall Score' Champions

N. Name Flag Country City Score Time Ver. Date
581 James Walker (Flag01) United Kingdom Loughborough 72830 25:10:01 19.0 11 Aug 04
582 Nick (Flag02) United Kingdom Northampton 72645 18:37:44 8.10 17 Jun 10
583 patrice (Flag03) France 72635 22:44:28 5.5 17 Aug 00
584 Tracy (Flag04) USA, United States of America Racine 72596 28:51:46 14.10 9 May 03
585 Kevin AKA Wacko (Flag05) USA, United States of America Lakewood 72593 17:57:24 10.10 24 May 02
586 Marilia Vinhaes (Flagv) Brazil Salvador Ba 72482 13:41:38 5.5 15 Aug 00
587 ulli (Flag07) Australia melborne 72467 55:45:28 12.1 5 Jun 18
588 Tokyo Japan (Flag08) Japan Tokyo 72452 10:24:41 5.5 30 Jul 05
589 ja_yar (Flag09) Australia Sth Aust 72405 33:54:46 9.0 21 Dec 02
590 Jeff Cole (Flag10) Wales 72374 25:09:56 5.5 2 Oct 00
591 Jim Reid (Flag11) United Kingdom stearton 72235 20:32:04 5.9 27 Sep 05
592 Ghyssens Eric (Flag12) Belgium 72177 22:31:35 5.4 13 Jul 00
593 Mona (Flag13) Canada Winnipeg 72144 16:59:54 5.5 7 Aug 00
594 paulo fbc (Flag14) Portugal 72139 31:22:08 5.6 23 Sep 00
595 SammieKay (Flag15) USA, United States of America Bothell, WA 72088 32:02:45 7.7 25 Oct 08
596 AKA (Flag16) England 72003 12:00:30 5.5 2 Oct 00
597 Ace (Flag17) USA, United States of America 72001 10:49:21 5.3 16 Apr 00
598 Glen Brown (Flag18) Australia 71964 24:19:44 5.3 8 Jul 00
599 Duenk (Flag19) Germany 71957 46:07:16 5.6 17 Jan 01
600 Gwen Stelle (Flag20) USA, United States of America 71949 10:06:43 5.5 30 Aug 00

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Last Update: 11 Sep 24
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3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags